Before we get going I will put my hands up and confess that this piece is all about my Air Arms rifles as yes I can stand up and proudly say “MY NAME IS ROB COLLINS AND I AM AN AIR ARMS FAN BOY”
I started off with a love for Air Arms back in the late 80s early 90s with a rifle called The Air Arms Camargue. This gun was smooth and to be frank I have not used an Air Arms Rifle yet that is not been smooth like a well-oiled British made machine.
I know I have sang their praises from the roof tops but credit were credits due and they have never let me down. This is unlike some of the foreign makes including a well-known German brand which literally fell apart in my hands.
I expect a gun to not only be smooth but take a pounding and give me 100% reliability. I hunt in all weathers from high heat to freezing cold and monsoon rains and the Air Arms range has never failed me not once yet. I do look after them with a regular service. I also clean and oil them before and after every hunt which keeps them in tip top condition. My Pappy (grandfather) always taught me to look after your gear and it will look after you.
The four main air rifles I use are of course all Air Arms, each one in both .177 & .22 calibres. These are (in no particular order) TX200 (Springer), S200 (PCP), S510 (PCP), S410 (PCP). I have both the Sub 12 ft lb and the FAC versions of the S410. It is well documented that my favourite air rifle is the Air Arms S410. Be it the sub 12ft lb or FAC it matters not, that gun is a sweet lady and feisty to boot.
Air Arms TX200 Spring Power

This is what I call a Man's Air Rifle. She is pretty on the eye and as feisty as an Italian house wife, but as my Pappy always taught me hold your woman firm and treat her right she will show you passion like no other.
This is so true of the TX200 as whatever you decide to shoot weather a live target or paper when you squeeze that trigger she whispers a voice like a passionate kiss from a lover in your ear and sends the pellet straight and true to target. As you can tell I am a pretty big fan of the spring powered TX200 and weather its in .22 or .177 when you hear the impact ahhhhh its like sweet music.
The TX200 is pretty on the eye accurate, reliable and powerful. Loading can be a little tricky at times with cold fingers but you will get used to that. Because of its weight if you are out hunting I would say get a sling put on it. But all in all a great all-rounder for the target man or hunter alike.
Air Arms S200 (PCP)

I would say this is a good starter gun for any kid or indeed anyone for their first PCP (Pre Charged Pneumatic). It is packed with all what I have come to expect from a Brilliant British Company although this one is made for them in Czechoslovakia. But don’t let this put you off by any means. Emilie often out shoots all the others in the club with it and now her older brother wont shoot against her as she beats him every time, well that will teach him to take the micky out of her and call her gun a toy gun.
My final words on this gun is whether multi shot or single shot in .177 or .22 you won’t find anything better for your starter gun or life time one as she sure is an addictive little gun that you can pick up at an amazing price.
Air Arms S410 (PCP)

To the eye she looks like a proper hunting rifle but would be as easily at home on the target range, in the hunting field were we dance together time and time again we are called upon by landowners to go and deal with vermin problems each and every time the S410 does the job asked of her with grace elegance, power and deadly.
The smoothness of the Air Arms magazines are one thing that has always impressed me as I have chunky hands they are easy to load even when freezing cold and I can’t feel my fingers. The smoothness of the action loading each pellet time after time I cannot fault. Saying this I keep my guns well serviced and have no problems but I have heard of those that don’t and do have problems? Again I suppose this comes down to what my Pappy taught me.
My Final words on the S410 weather in sub 12ft lb or FAC, it's simply a must have for any air rifle shooter. I am hearing constantly people telling me it’s the worst thing they ever did swapping in their Air Arms for something else. Well what can I say there will always be one in my gun cupboard. As a proud Englishman this brings a smile to my face as we are in my opinion still a world leader in the design and manufacture of air rifles and this no small part to my beloved Air Arms.
Air Arms S510 (PCP)

It is as I have come to expect smooth as silk when using and re loading, So I cannot as get a cigarette paper between the S410 and S510.
But for me it has to be the S410 as I love the bolt action of a traditional gun. My final word on the S510 is, It's every bit as good as the S410 so you will be hard to beat it with anything else.
I have not been paid by anyone to say this about my beloved Air Arms guns but love them so much I could talk your ear off all day about them.
What I will say though is if you are new to air rifle shooting or an old hand coming back, try starting off with an Air Arms and you won’t look back,
Air Arms Review
By The Ole Hedge Creeper
Aka: Rob Collins.