Well as many of you know I am a man of my word, if I shake your hand and look you in the eye you know what I am saying is the truth and that you can take to the bank, I was brought up to be a gentleman of my word as my Pappy would say some times that is all you have, so your word must always be your bond even if you have to stand alone but stand up for what’s right etc, these lessons I always teach my children and indeed my young sports, so when I give something my thumbs up seal of approval or as it’s known The Ole Hedge Creepers thumbs up seal of approval then you know its past my test.
Over the years I have been asked to review or help make some of the most well-known products on the field sports market, I tell you there are things you have got that you would not realise has had me field test them to bring you the finished products many of you use out in the hunting field. Well last year I was asked to review the Walther Terrus, Armex sent me the gun and said put her through her paces out in the field really tell us what she can do, I fell in love with that old school style springer with a modern twist right from the very first shot, I am not much of a target shooter it floats other folks boats but not mine, the same goes for clay shooting what a waste of ammo and time as I cannot eat a target or a clay pigeon, but that said it does get your eye in from time to time and it’s good to get a lesson from a clay coach to make sure your shooting right, well that Terrus zeroed in within 5 shots and was knocking feral pigeon and corvids soon after.
Armex called again and said we have a new gun out would you give it your once over and put her through an Ole Hedge Creeper test, well of course I will be happy too because if it does not live up to my test it’s not worth selling, you see its gotta do what it says on the tin, for if I say to you it’s worth parting with your hard earned money it’s got to work and work well, after all money does not grown trees so as I say my word is my bond.

I know fellow Countryman’s Diary writer JT has written a brilliant article about a day when he joined me and we had a hunt to remember on corvids and pigeons etc, and the day I only took the Terrus Maxus to go head to head with him armed with a Daystate PCP, let’s just say that little Walther Terrus punched way above her weight on that hunt with me behind the butt, I will leave that story for JT to tell in his article as he will affirm everything I say here and more about this sweet little gun.
Dad had a few shots on the target as a woodpigeon landed in the tree some 40 yards away, I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth so I took the gun cocked and loaded it with some Armex Air Streams and took aim with a touch of hold over and a touch windage I let rip, the distinct sound of the thwack of the pellet as it sailed true on target with a big puff of feathers as the pigeon dropped stone dead with a shot through its air sack to the heart and lungs, Dad said blimey that thing pack a punch as my smile grew wider, hello baby welcome home I said, already I was getting what I had come to expect from the Terrus.
I took a nice steady aim Dad froze the squirrel froze and I put the pellet just behind its eye, a perfect head shot from 25 yards away the sound of the pellet on target sounded like a cricket ball hitting a cricket bat as the big buck squirrel dropped stone dead, now for the other squirrel were had she gone as I put my eyes of a hawk to good use knowing she has laid flat on some high branch to stay unseen, but I saw her as the wind blew and her bush tail twitched in the wind, I signalled Dad to say there she was as he moved around the other side to try and get a better shot, the squirrel again did what they always do and move to the other side of the branch presenting me with a cracking shot, I squeezed off the shot and thwack again another perfect head shot from the Terrus Maxus as she fell stone dead into the log pile.
Walther Terrus Maxus review
by The Ole Hedge Creeper.