Advanced Decoying Part 1 can be found here..
Well here we are in Advanced Decoying Part 2 or common sense decoying as it were. Also in this article I want to take you on a different scenario and take you away from the shotgun, in this article and think about other guns or methods that can be used for dealing with the humble WoodPigeon, for which I have such a respect for this amazing bird. It's probably next to the hawk and falcon our greatest flyer and a real survivor so it's a time honoured and well earned respect I have for the humble Woodpigeon. Read More....
Advanced Decoying Part 1 can be found here..
I have entitled this article or series of articles advanced decoying, but really its just common sense decoying and much of what you can figure out for yourself, also its a natural follow on from my previous article Flight lines and Decoys. I am always being asked weather on face book or twitter or in by emails and letters to the Countryman's Diary Magazine or in person at game fairs on our Pass It On Young Sports Stand my thoughts on ones decoying or on a persons day or set up etc or if they have problems and how I would over come them etc to make the day a success. Read More...
First thing for me is to say not everyone is a George Digweed, and able to shoot long distance birds and you should limit yourself to your own shooting ability thus if you shoot well out to thirty yards, then make your decoy pattern etc to this distance. Don't take shots that you cannot reach learn your distances and practice this, I often teach novices using a floater set at different ranges and ask them to gauge the distance, I am always amazed at the results. Read more..
To my Haters & Stalkers, I am a Lion not a Sheeple, my advice is to not poke the Sleeping Lion, for if you awake me from my slumber you will hear me ROAR, then you will find yourself staying at Her Majesty's pleasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
About the ArchiveAs you will all know I am a busy boy and I am asked post articles and review on behalf of lots people in lots of different places. This Archive is a central location of all those pearls of wisdom I have let loose on the World, whilst its not bang up to date the knowledge contained in here is worth its weight in gold.
Feel free to share this information its all free and it my pleasure to Pass It On. Archives
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