So the plan was hatched coming along on the day with his own stand was another ole mucker Simon Pritchard, a top shooting coach from Shot Gun Awareness training (www.shotgun.me.uk). The day was decided to be Saturday the 18th of January 9am to 3pm and that meant Giles and I would have to be on the road by 6am no later to get there in time to set up and be ready to meet the public.
Well the morning of the 18th came and my alarm never went off, but being the ole country boy I am and never have I missed a days sport for over sleeping my body clock had me up by 5am anyway! I gave Emilie a nudge come on get up Giles will be here in an hour I got a mumbled reply of leave me alone, so I went and made a cup of tea and went back to wake her. No she was still snoring so I shouted quick were late for wildfowling I am going without you, Bloody Nora I have never seen anyone move so fast shouting Daddy Get my gun I am coming she was fully dressed and by the door shouting come on come on the wildfowl will be dropping in were late.
I fell about laughing trying not to spill my mug of tea when she realised what I had done then that fire arose in her eyes, "So were not going wildfowling then Daddy?", as she stamped her feet and threw her Jack Pyke coat on the floor! "No darling we have that cooking demo to do up at Solware remember?" Oh yes as the devil eyes faded to her angel eyes "Well in that case Daddy you can get me a MacDonald's breakfast on the way then as you really are not funny at all!". I quickly agreed better to let a sleeping dog sleep than wake them up all grumpy or something like that, I know what am I? a man or a mouse? I will say give me a piece of cheese and I will show you.
Another ole mucker Phil Crampton from Rat Works (Custom air rifle tuning etc look for them on Face book) found out the hard way not to wind Emilie up now he stands at a safe distance and throws bars of chocolate at her until the growling stops and she puts her colouring pens away. There is a story to be told there but I will leave that for another day ask me when I have a pint of finest West Country Cider in my fist at a game fair or something of the likes.

An hour later we pulled into the Solware car park to be greeted by all the boys as the banter started over coffee and a look round the shop, WOW what can I say its not the biggest place but by far its the best stocked place I had been too in a while. Every nook and cranny was packed with what I can only describe as a fieldsportsman's dream shop,
I was like a kid in a candy shop I wanted everything, the gun racks looked fit to burst with everything from air rifles and pistols to shot guns and rifles and everything in between. I swear I had just walked into an Aladdin's cave, I don't think I could of opened my eyes any wider, then I was brought to earth with a bump.
I will say the aroma of the game cookery drew hungry fieldsports folk and beyond from miles around like moths to a flame to the Pass It On Young Sports cooker stand ( www.pass-it-on-young-sports.org.uk), Actually all I had left as the end of the day was a piece of garlic and a rasher of bacon!
The day could not have gone any better and on the way home Giles and I were a buzz with ideas for our next trip up to Solware if we are invited back again for another brilliant day. Joining together like this with salt of the earth fieldsports folk at an awesome location that is Solware of Tamworth. Emilie slept all the way home dreaming of her bagging game and her Daddy cooking it for her as she kept sleep talking Giles and I giggled.