Out Foxing Charlie 18
Night Pearl A Shot In The Dark
By The Ole Hedge Creeper
When I started out it was an old motor bike battery and the headlamp off of that said motorbike, the battery being carried in an old army rucksack, the battery acid leaking and rotting my uncles coat and indeed the army rucksack.
Oh how times have changed, we have gone from those early days to lamps of all descriptions, I still have some of the early ones hanging in the cupboard for nostalgic reasons, they still work too, my son Ryan was a lamp buster, his quickest time to break a lamp straight out of the box is 45 seconds, I still love to lamp old school style too this very day, I will tell you of this further along the line in this article.
Now I have been lucky enough to have hunted, fished, shot and indeed cook and eat game all over this wonderful planet of ours, both by day and by night, I suppose this is one reason I was asked to be the international Eley Ammunition Out Doors Ambassador, a couple of years back at The Game Fair 2019 I purchased out of my own pocket a Night Pearl Thermal 13 Spotter from the then NiteSite team, this worked so well with my NiteSite Hunting, for I spotted my quarry on Thermal and shot it on night vision, a system I truly think I have really mastered especially with the Dark Op’s system, I have shot all over the UK with it after being called in to deal with Charlie Foxes attacking live stock, often where other shooters have failed and I have been paid to come sort the problem out, this has ruffled a few feathers here and there as folk think I am after poaching their lands, this is not the case, I come in deal with the job, get paid and leave again, I cant abide people poaching other peoples permissions, I have had it done to me just recently by ghastly people who should know better, when I am called in I always say have you someone else shooting here, if so tell them to call me and we can work together, I leave knowing that person will be taught to my standards and they know I have no intention what so ever to poach their land from under them, this system has gained me many friends along the way, poaching someones permission its not the done thing at all or the way of the true Countryman.
So here we are in the Autumn of 2021 and wow what an 18 months this really has been for so many of us, but as always our British defiance to not give in, never back down has stood us in good stead, yes along the way we have lost family, friends, Brexit and indeed awesome companies like NiteSite and more, in many ways I say this has brought us together and made us stronger and more resilient, Hitler never beat us, nor will this dreadful Covid, just like the former its an irritating little annoyance we will beat with our Great British Tenacity of Defiance now pass the Mug of Tea Mucker.
Alas from this huge meadow we had no cover at all apart from the night herself and the undulating land, I gave Uncle the Scops Max 50 II to use and be my spotter, this was a complete role switch from my boyhood days, as I was always his lamp man as a boy and Uncle was always the shooter with his Remington 22,250, right from switching the unit on my Uncle was blown away with what he could see, all I kept hearing was this is amazing, oh WOW, as he watched barn owls and Tawny Owls go about their business, he watched them take the voles and mice etc, he watched bats take insects, a badger trot right past us 25 yards away none the wiser we were there in the dark of the night, he watched rabbits and hares, a hedge hog snuffle past in the hedgerow behind us. I thought he was going to faint with joy when a young spiker roe buck walked within ten yards of him, he had a graze on some grass right there withing touching distance of my Uncle, then trot off down to a doe, Uncle Dave just could not get over it all, this all happened in complete silence on a night as black as ash cloth.
I swear the sound and cheer of elation my uncle let out they heard this in the next county, he got out the truck and hugged me and shook my hand saying that was a topping shot my boy, at that moment I don't know who was more proud my old mentor or myself, for this was the very first time My Uncle, My Mentor had ever seen me shoot rifle off my own merit in all these years, I had tears in my eyes and still do as I write this and remember this night, I range found it with my own range finder to check the distance it was 203 yards exactly, I will say the long walk down the hill was one thing, but back up carrying a fox back up that hill was something else, lets just say my heart rate needed a mug of tea from the flask to calm myself down, one thing to remember your max zoom is about 6x but will then start to pix-elate, 3 to 4 is better but remember you are zooming in on the screen of the Seer 35, not the thermal zooming in, I am told the newer models may have a zoom function, what I really like is I don't have to change scopes it turns your day scope into a thermal scope. It literally pops off one scope onto the next, but you must remember to have the right size collars for each scope front, you also don't have to re zero it uses your own scopes cross hairs and zero, watch my videos that are with this article they will help explain things, we left not long after both feeling a real pride and joy from teacher to student thanks to the awesome Night Pearl Thermal System.
Right time to get on and deal with these rats, I had already shot a few during daylight around the feeders and mill etc, so we were already off and running as it were, but as night fell so the rats came out to play, Young H could not believe it as rat after rat fell to his shots with my Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter and the Night Pearl Seer thermal add on, I let him do the lion share of the shooting, I had the odd go but for me it was watching my Young Sports Ambassador for Country Sports in action, he earned that top title and keeps on earning it every day, like I said I am very proud of him and all the other Young Sports that earn the title of Pass It On Young Sports Ambassador, for they have worked hard to rise above the others to earn this coveted title on my young sports programme, back with Young H he was making short work of those scaly tailed Ratticuss, by the time we had finished we had quite a pile of feral pigeons and rats in the wheel barrow, my old farmer friend and Young Hs Boss was very happy with our efforts, he said see H that's why I call him the resolver, no matter what the job is he works his magic and the job is done, I did laugh and say this job was all Young H hard work, I just supervised, I do have to go back very soon, I just have to find the time to fit it all in as I am so busy at the moment, not just with Pest Control.
Out Foxing Charlie 18
By The Ole Hedge Creeper