Out Foxing Charlie 17
Educating Charlie
For rifle shooting this is what I am talking about here, for controlling foxes, less power is more, you will be surprised how clearly you can see through the correct lamp, rifle scope set up, also you don't look like an alien landing burning the foxes eyes out, when lamping or scanning its best to use the residual or outer edge of the beam, it always surprises me how many people still go right on straight away with the center of the beam, then come out with it started running away as soon as the light toughed it, no kidding Sherlock, this happens a lot when you have not only taught the fox what a lamp is, but also fluffed the shot and taught the fox that a light means bullet is on its way, I have recounted stories of such from novices in the previous articles, I hear a lot of folk now say, ahhh well I now have night vision and or thermal gear, I still say to be any good with any of it you must first master the correct lamping procedures, also what happens when this gear fails, the batteries die, or you forget the batteries, the good ole lamp is still my back up, I still have as good results with a lamp as I do with night vision and thermal, most of my success comes down to time learnt field craft, something I will get on to shortly.
I often get called in to a fox problem after every Tom, Dick and Harry has had a go and FAILED, often its simple mistakes that Educate Charlie as he shows you his brush and a clean pair of heels as he takes a lamb or fowl from right under your nose, I have one very large VIP agricultural client who calls me the resolver, he has me in his phone as such, I asked why he calls me that, his exact words are no matter what pest control I call you in on, you always resolve the problem, often in scenarios like this its showing good animal husbandry/security ideas etc, some folks may not have thought of, but yes I will agree I seem to have a talent when it comes to dealing with the crafty old fox.
One of the things I like to do is study my quarry, weather its squirrels in a woodland plantation etc, or in this case its the crafty Charlie Fox, I have said this many times, its wonderful to watch nature, the fox is a remarkable animal in its natural hunting environment, the fox really fascinates me, this is one reason I am that good at dealing with them, because I study them so much, just like planning a military operation, I want all the intelligence I can get, the patterns and times of his movements, prevailing winds, safe shot areas, right down to making sure my equipment is working 100%, I plan everything down to last detail, I don't just step out onto the battle field to cross swords with a worthy adversary unprepared, a couple of sayings come to mind here, failing to prepare, is preparing to fail, or the 7Ps, Prior, Planning and Preparation, prevents a piss poor performance, so as you can see its not an erratic man with a gun going out to kill an innocent fox as the anti will have the public believe, but many of us don't help ourselves or the industry here by some of the social media posts I see, thwack, shmack, kaboom, Charlie down, if its red its dead, being some of the wording I see used, this does not help us at all with the general public and the authorities, no clear and correct explanation why you just took the foxes life, the correct ethics of explaining it was attacking live stock etc, remember you are all ambassador's for all Country Sports so behave like it, its how I teach my Young Sports the best practices, be prepared, understand your quarry, make sure your equipment and your in-tell is bang on, also check zero before heading out on live quarry, for if you miss you will educate Charlie once more, this is when the job gets a lot harder and usually when I get called in, my message to you here is preparation and attention to detail.
Follow these simple rules of engagement against this worthy adversary and you wont fail, if you do, be a wise man and learn from any fail, for each time its a lesson learned, thus many you wont need to take cheap shots at me for getting the job done where you fail, for if you do what you are supposed to do correctly to best practices, your farmers, clients etc, wont need to call me The Resolver in to deal with a live stock killing Charlie Fox and cross my palm with silver.
Follow these simple rules of engagement against this worthy adversary and you wont fail, if you do, be a wise man and learn from any fail, for each time its a lesson learned, thus many you wont need to take cheap shots at me for getting the job done where you fail, for if you do what you are supposed to do correctly to best practices, your farmers, clients etc, wont need to call me The Resolver in to deal with a live stock killing Charlie Fox and cross my palm with silver.
The Wildlife Of Today, Is Not Ours To Dispose Of As We Please, We Have It In Trust And Must Account For It To Those The Come After Us.
Out Foxing Charlie 17 (Educating Charlie)
By The Ole Hedge Creeper