Back To My Boyhood
From Catapults To Pigeon Shooting
Pigeons were decoying to our pattern before we had even got back into the hide, sometimes I might add a Jack Pyke floater decoy to the pattern, but this day it was not needed, I very rarely use my pigeon magnet or whirl y gig as some of you call it, to many people rely on the gadgets instead of learning proper field craft, read my article advanced decoying this will tell you more on this subject, I shot the first right and left before Dad had even got chance to sit down and get his gun out of its slip, a good start as the gun I was using was the one I repaired, lets just say the strike is now perfect, right away the father and son banter started, Dad missing a couple of really easy birds right over the kill zone in the decoy pattern, well of course number one son had to oblige and drop both birds eye wiping my dear old Dad, lets just say the banter was both jolly and colourful.
The hours flew by and we stopped shooting for the pile of shot pigeon were quite something, we never really count the bag size we never have, but lets just say we wont need any more pigeon until next year now, although I do like to give plenty away oven ready especially to my local pensioners, these are always gratefully received, more so now than ever with this Labour Government cutting pensioners heating allowances and more.
Back To My Boyhood
From Catapults To Pigeon Shooting
By The Ole Hedge Creeper